QLD In Touch Huddle

In Touch

The Queensland Rugby Union 'In-Touch' Mental Health program recognises the importance of our rugby community's health, considering both physical and mental wellbeing. People choose to be part of Queensland Rugby Union because it is a fun, safe and inclusive environment where they feel valued and safe.

The QRUIn-Touch Mental Health program supports our rugby union clubs with a FIVE stage approach.

1. Registration for a Mental Health Information Session

2. Attend a 90-minute Mental Health Information Session

3. Formally train 2 nominated club people to be ‘Mental Health First Aid certified officers’

4. Receive a Club Mental Health Action Plan which supports and creates community access to mental health professional services

5. Bi-Monthly state-wide online mental health conference- Discussions with Mental Health Professionals, sharing, upskill and awareness for club ‘Mental Health First Aid officers’ to share within their community.

We identify that when people are struggling with their mental wellbeing being linked with rugby union, people are able to be heard and connected with mental health professional services. 

Both Mental Health Information Sessions and Mental Health First Aid training are now available free to your club or region.

In Touch Register your Club
In Touch Arrange a Session
In Touch Train
In Touch Telehealth
In Touch Immediate Help

Mental Health Information Sessions

The mental health information sessions educate individuals on what mental health is and why we should make it a priority, signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges and practical tips on how to look after your wellbeing. This session is accessible through your local club or sub-union who can sign up here.


Mental Health First Aid Training

The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training provides a more in-depth knowledge to equip you to support others and formal MHFA accreditation. We are encouraging members of our rugby community, especially those with regular community engagement to be trained. The cost of the training is covered by the QRU mental health program. To express your interest in becoming trained in MHFA please click here.

Presented by

In Touch Logo
Queensland Mental Health Commission Logo
Queensland Rugby Logo
Whitecloud Logo