Queensland Government Announces School Sport Funding

Fri, Aug 19, 2022, 10:39 AM
by Gaven Head

The Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport have granted Queensland Rugby Union $140,000 to to enhance the quality and quantity of school sport performance pathways and create positive participation experiences for all participants.

The funding will support the development of teachers to be convenors at the state, regional and district level as well as coaches through training, accredtation and resources.

QRU General Manager - Community Rugby, Gaven Head, acknowledged the important role that Queensland Representative School Sport played in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle in school children as well as providing a structured competitive pathway for participants to develop.

"The Queensland representative school sport system provides access for every child in the state to participate at a level commensurate with their ability. Many of these players do not have the opportunity to play club sport. The army of teachers and education professionals that provide the necessary coaching and supervision support for these children need both support and recognition for enabling this system. The opportunities the School Sport Program will provide will hopefully assist to make the trials and competitions take another step in quality."

The first stage of the program will be a focus on convenors, initially at regional level, then at district level. The aim is to ensure that district and regional trials are of the highest standard possible. The opportunity for funded coach accreditation for teachers and education professionals will also be available.

A series of regional player combines will be conducted for players aged 14 - 17 across the state to improve student awareness of the local opportunities and the steps they can take to be best prepared when trials commence.

2023 will also see the first stand alone female 7s championships with an additional age group being added as a trial.
