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Medicare Mental Health Care Plan

Medicare Mental Health Care Plan

If you would like support to improve your mental wellbeing you may be eligible for a mental health care plan which can help you get appropriate psychological treatment.

With a visit to a GP you can be provided with a mental health care plan, which helps you access eligible allied health professionals like psychologists, social workers or occupational therapists who can help you to get better and live well. A mental health care plan can be useful for people with minor mental health conditions or very serious conditions, short-term concerns or long-term illnesses.

It is always worth talking to your doctor about how you are feeling, just like your doctor is trained in how to help you look after your physical health, mental health is something that they help people with all the time. The GP will as you some questions about how things have been for you recently so they can determine how to best support your needs. You don’t already have to be diagnosed with a mental health condition to take the first step of talking to a doctor about making a mental health care plan.

In some cases, the general uneasiness of seeing a mental health professional for the first time might make you think that the whole thing isn’t right for you, and make you want to stop attending your sessions. However, try to remember mental health professionals are people too, so it’s important to remember that you may not get along with the first person you see. Your GP can help you decide on what options might be best for you, but keep trying until you find someone who you feel comfortable with!